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Crossroads Family Sunday

  • Crossroads Church 195 Piaget Ave Clifton, NJ 07011 (map)

Join us at Crossroads & discover a new way to worship together as one family!

First Sunday of each month

Crossroads Church is known for building families.

On the first Sunday of each month the children & youth will not be going downstairs for Sunday School but will stay with their family upstairs & be a part of the service. 

Children & teens can sign up to serve in a variety of ministries, such as greeters, media, hospitality, reading scripture, communion & more to come! There are opportunities to serve in both the 10 AM & 11:45 AM services.

By having the children as a part of the Sunday services, families will be together on Sundays, so kids can witness their parents being in church, experience worship with the congregation, & put the faith they are learning in Sunday School into action with other mentors.

This is HUGE! The kids will experience their faith in a whole new way by serving others while building relationships with other members of the church. Their faith will grow deeper & wider as they make meaningful connections in our church family.

If you have any questions, please speak to Pastor Willie.

Earlier Event: February 1
Discover a New Way Workshop
Later Event: February 16
Love in Action - Food Collection Day