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Serve Sunday

At Crossroads we believe the church is not just an audience, it's an army. God has specific things He has called us and equipped us to do. We want you to be able to fulfill the purpose that God has given you.

One of the best ways to meet people, develop relationships, and grow as a follower of Christ is to serve the local church.

There are lots of opportunities for every age and interest and there's a space for you. We welcome all contributions and skill levels. Behind the scenes or upfront & personal, we can help you find the perfect fit for yourself and your family.

Sign up today and experience firsthand the impact our volunteer teams have on our local, national, and international ministry.



There are so many teams to get connected with including:
Welcome, Hospitality, Prayer, Worship, Media, Children, Youth, Finance, Maintenance, Administration, and ESL.

See here more details.

Serving opportunities are available 7 days a week.

If you are interested in joining a team and becoming a servant leader, sign up below and one of our pastors will contact you shortly to give you more information on how you can get connected.

Later Event: March 1
Crossroads Playgroup