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Registration is closed.

Kids Summer camp - FREE!

Vacation Bible School

For Ages 4-12

July 10-14, 2023 at 5:00-7:00 pm

Drop Off & Pick Up at lobby from front entrance

Crossroads Church, 195 Piaget Ave, Clifton, NJ

*On Monday, please arrive 15 minutes early to check-in.

**Please pickup your child promptly at the end.


🎵🎧🎶Start listening to the songs we will be learning and singing all week!


💦 We will be playing outside water games!

👟 Please send your kids with a towel and shoes that can be secured for running and getting wet.

See below for what to wear each day from Monday to Friday!


🥨🧃🍌 We are collecting snack donations to pass out during the week.

If you are able to please bring a box of individually packaged snacks or small water bottles to share.


Contact Pastor Elisa Obeso by phone or email.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, puede comunicarse con la pastora Elisa Obeso por teléfono o correo electrónico.

I want to be part of the VBS team!

If you want to serve as a volunteer for at least one night or all 5 nights, please contact Pastor Elisa if you are interested!

I want my child to join Twists & Turns VBS this summer!

Limit of 30 kids total.

Registration is now full.

If you have any questions please contact Pastor Elisa Obeso.