
1.13.19 - Celebrate Life

Study Guide


ADDITIONAL READING: Genesis 1:26-27; Psalm 8:2


The key issue in life is how we view life itself. Is mankind just a result of evolution? Are we just a random accident? Where does life come from? When does life begin? When can a life be ended? These are important questions. Where do we find the answers to these questions? Should we just follow what everyone else seems to think? Should we follow what the law says is OK? These questions present themselves when we start to really look at the issue of abortion. Is abortion the right thing to do? What about a woman's choice over her own body? Is it OK to kill a live unborn baby? The only place to find answers to these questions is the Bible. Human ideas and opinions are just that, human ideas and opinions. We must look outside of ourselves to examine what God has to say about life and unborn babies.

Background Information

Everything begins with God. He created all human life, as well as all of creation. Genesis 1:27 tells us that God made man in His image. God created mankind, male and female. From this we can conclude that every human has infinite value by reason of being made in God's image. There are no accidents, since only God gives life. In Psalm 139 verse 13, David affirms that God created him and even more that God created him in his mother's womb. Life begins at conception in the womb, not at birth. Certainly the unborn child cannot live on its own and is dependent on his or her mother. God gives the responsibility to the strong to care for the weak, to the living to care for the unborn. What a great privilege it is for a mother and father to be used by God to bring a unique life into the world! 

For those who have participated in an abortion, abortion leads to many long-term issues, such as guilt, forgiveness, and issues of sexual sin. Some scriptures on forgiveness after abortion or sexual sin are I John 1:9; Psalm 103:12; and again, Proverbs 28:13 – a powerful verse about confessing and not hiding sin from God. (Abortion is something so many people try to hide.)

Video Resource to Watch as a Group

Digging Deeper Questions

1. What does it mean that we bear God’s image? What are the implications for our lives? What are the implications in the lives of unborn children and how we think about abortion?
2. How does David describe God in verses 7-12? What does that teach you about God? How does that impact you?
3. Discuss verses 13-18. How does this relate to your life? How does it relate to the issue of abortion?
4. What does God's grace mean to us in trusting him during unexpected circumstances. Abortion is one obvious way we don’t trust that God is big enough to handle an unexpected situation, but what are other ways people take matters into their own hands (cheating on tests or income taxes, etc.)?
5. Besides accepting forgiveness, how would someone need to heal from an abortion experience?  How can we guide people toward healing and not away from it?
6. The motto at Lighthouse Pregnancy Center is bringing God’s love to life. How can we bring God’s love to life to those around us?
7. What do you want to apply to your life from these verses? Be specific and relate it to something going on in your life now.

This Week’s Challenge

As a group or an individual, how can you participate in providing diapers and baby wipes for the Lighthouse Pregnancy Center this week? Make a plan.